Everyone knows Dorothy is moving to Rwanda.
But what many don't know, is that there is still another place in my heart, and I am relying on God to decipher in me where he ultimately wants me to be.
The much larger country to the west of Rwanda is the Democratic Republic of Congo, and for about as long as I've been focused on Invisible Children, God, and Rwanda, I have been amazed by the DR Congo as well.
For my multi-cultural education final, we have to prepare a lesson plan for the grade level we will be teaching at, and I decided to make mine about the people I will be teaching, the things I will most likely be teaching, and various things I will experience as a teacher in Rwanda, and while I was looking up educational stats in Rwanda, I decided to start looking into the DR Congo's as well.
DR Congo's educational system is in shambles. Many schools have shut down in fear of rebel armies stealing the children, millions of children live on the streets without even an orphanage to come to, and one thing I found very interesting, there is an epidemic of people accusing children of witchcraft in order to be able to get rid of the children.
Reading all of this, and taking this in, all I could think was, maybe God sent me to Ecuador to see the street children and orphans, and to Haiti, to work with the child slaves, and to see and hear the voodoo, because maybe he knew, and he was preparing me for this call.
I am constantly shocked at the lack of movement in the DR Congo from the international community. I came upon a quote today by a man named Kyle Idleman, which says, "I know that this is a huge issue to tackle, but when you look that kind of desperation in the face, you find out what your faith means to you."
I love Rwanda with a passion that is hotter than fire, but I love the call to the Congo. I am falling in love with pictures, and videos, and stories of the country, it's people, and their lives.
I am not sure where I will end up weather it be Rwanda or DR Congo, all I know is that I am going with my God, and he will never fail.
"God calls us all in some way or another, but for me that call is to "let the little children come to me" (Idleman).
I'm not sure, but it's an optimistic unsure.
Peace to you tonight,
This is interesting, I did not know this about you! Wherever you go, you'll be great!